Snack Storage Made Easy!
I posted a pic yesterday after "Snack Prepping" & someone asked how do I store over 90 snacks!! I use this! This is a over the door 24 shoe organizer. I paid $6 for it from Walmart. Each pouch has 3 snacks in it & it hangs over the door to my food pantry/closet in my kitchen. The little slips of paper tells them when to grab something out the fridge. All the produce I store in the fridge, top drawer. Snack storage made easy!!😏 ... For more strategies & tips on “Balancing day to day life as a Wife~Mom~Preneur: Breaking down planning for the week,” tune in to Topic Tuesdays, Tuesdays at 9am on Periscope & FB Live! Check out the video from this week on my FB page. #tramikacraddock #successstrategist #letmehelp #wifemompreneur