Snack Prepping all done for the month of September! - Like a Boss!
I just finished “Snack” Prepping for the ENTIRE month of September!😎 3 kids + 1 snack/day = 90 snacks. I have over 90 snacks here & some left over from last month!! Best part is, it cost $16!!🙌🏾 Apples, Carrots, Grapes, Preztels, Vegetable Crackers, Cheese Crackers, Spicy Nachos, Jello, Applesauce, Graham Crackers & Butter Cookies... For more strategies & tips on “Balancing day to day life as a Wife~Mom~Preneur: Breaking down planning for the week,” tune in to Topic Tuesdays, Tuesdays at 9am on Periscope & FB Live! Check out the video from this week on my FB page. #tramikacraddock #successstrategist #letmehelp #wifemompreneur