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What is Coaching?

Coaching is a powerful and supportive relationship that helps you move to the extraordinary life you desire and/or to a better place in an area of your life where there is a challenge. Working with a coach helps you discover what the obstacles or challenges are and/or clarify your dreams and unique gifts inside of you. Then we provide you with a strategic course of action to help you achieve success and make your life what you want it to be.


The client decide what the area of focus will be for each session, then strategies will be tailored to your specific goal. The coach most importantly listens, probes with questions, then generates ideas and an action plan. The coach/client relationship helps you remain focused while working on your action plan, tracks achievements and helps you remain accountable to actions and commitments. With Encouragement and Empowerment, your coach helps you get back up if you fall, keep you focused on pressing towards success and reminds you to celebrate wins, small or large.

Do you need a Life Coach?

Almost everyone has a dream, desire or vision for their ideal life. Maybe you always dreamed of being an author, chef, musician, owning your own business, climbing the corporate ladder or maybe working from home. You have Big Dreams but you haven't quite come to do it yet. You just might need a coach! Or what about healthy relationship with your spouse, sibling, or other loved ones. Oh! How about moving past obstacles from your past? You just might need a coach! If you are in a place where you are "stuck" or don't know what's the next move you should take, you just might need a coach! You may already be an entrepreneur but stuck on how to take your business to the next level, or need clarity on your next move. How about someone just to keep you accountable for something Big or something you have been saying you wanted to do for years? You might just need a coach! Coaches are people who push you into your destiny. Coaches push clients to find satisfaction and success in whatever area of your life where you may be facing a challenge. Coaches keep their clients accountable by providing a plan to reach the desired place of success. If you need someone who is professional to provide the guidance and drive needed to help improve that area in your life and/or do the following:

1. Recognize skills & dreams.

2. Refocus life goals.

3. Move past challenges that stand in the way of goals.

4. Create a strategic plan to reach your desired place of success.





My Coach Philosophy/Style. 

I believe that everyone can live the extraordinary life they dream of. My coaching provides a path that leads you there. It's simple, I use these 4 steps to accelerate you to success, in your area of focus.


Awake- Self Discovery

Inspire- Clarify and align desires/goals

Encourage- Generate solutions, ideas and strategies and provide tools to attain goals

Empower- Hold client responsible and accountable, providing additional resources to continue to accelerate into success


I will help you with pulling out of you your strengths and building upon those strengths to help you live the life you want. As your coach I will also provide you with a plan for favorable outcomes, to help change what is not working now and help you be able to develop and implement a results driven strategy to get the outcome you need and want. Success is up to us. I will walk along side of you as you turn your Dreams/Challenges into Success. I'll move you Plan head, so that you Plan for Success! Let's take the journey of Success together!


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